POCTEP, at "Young Women and Cross Border Cooperation" event thanks to INTRÉPIDA project


On occasion of International Women’s Day, the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) invites partners and colleagues to reflect about how current cross-border cooperation programmes and projects address the needs and expectations of young women.

The event will take place online, from 10:00 to approximately 11:15 CET. Registration is required to receive the link to Zoom (click here to register).

One of the Interreg Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 Programme project partners will be present at the event, through the INTREPIDA_plus project, that suports women's entrepreneurship and has participated in the Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) initiative for several years.

More information is available at the project website and the project fiche. 



Opening speeches:

Ann-Sofi Backgren, AEBR First Vice-President

Nathalie Verschelde, European Commission’s DG for Regional and Urban Policy

Challenges of young women in the Grand Est region

Sarah Bentz, Grand Est region


Best practices of Eurodistrict PAMINA for young women

Annabell Schloesser, Eurodistrict PAMINA


Engaging young women in the cross-border project Intrepida Plus between Spain and Portugal

Catalina Bejarano, IVY mentor, Chiara Scacchetti, IVY volunteer


IVY as an opportunity for engaging young women in cross border cooperation

Cinzia Dellagiacoma, AEBR

Register here.

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Contactos POCTEP

Contactos 2014-2020  |  Contactos 2007-2013

  • programa@poctep.eu 
  • (+34) 924 20 59 58
  • Edificio Montevideo | C/ Ángel Quintanilla Ulla n°1, portal 3 | Entreplanta B, 06011, Badajoz