19-20 Sept, Valencia: 'Cultural heritage and creative industries: Challenges and results in Interreg'



Culture & creativity in Interreg


Thursday, 19 September, 2019 to Friday, 20 September, 2019
Valencia, Spain


Cultural heritage and creative industries: Challenges and results in Interreg

Interact would like to invite Interreg programmes and projects to the ‘Culture and Creativity’ event in Valencia on 19 -20 September. This event is the follow up of the Cultural heritage conference last December in Vienna.

The event ‘Culture and creativity’ aims to enable you to exchange insights on cultural topics and creative industries within Interreg, focusing especially on the results achieved by the Interreg projects.

The main target group for this event are Interreg programmes and projects dealing with the topic of culture and creative industries.

Please note, this event will also connect with the European Cooperation Day(link is external) event planned in Valencia.

More info, registration and draft agenda 

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