The RegioStars competition is open until 9th of May

  • The RegioStars Awards will identify good practices in regional development.

  • The period to submit projects is running from 19 February to 9 of May 2019.


The RegioStars Awards 2019 edition has just been launched: It will identify good practices in regional development, and highlight original and innovative projects that are attractive and inspiring to other regions. 

In addition to the Public choice award, there are five RegioStars Award categories for 2019:

  1. Smart growth - Promoting digital transformation
  2. Sustainable growth - Connecting green, blue and grey
  3. Inclusive growth - Combatting inequalities and poverty 
  4. Urban development - Building climate-resilient cities
  5. Topic of the year 2019Modernising health services


The period to submit projects is running from 19 February to 9 of May 2019. An independent jury will select the finalists. Following a public vote, the Prizes will be awarded at the RegioStars ceremony during the EU regions week (7 October 2019).

Last year 21 projects were selected as finalists and six were rewarded. It is crucial that the competition attracts as many projects as possible, in order to showcase how Cohesion Policy supports people through innovation, economic growth and jobs creation at a regional level.



  • Maximum FIVE projects per programme (ERDF, CF, ESF, IPA, ENI) from the periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020
  • Endorsement letter of the relevant managing authority
  • Reference to one of the five award categories
  • Level of maturity and results should be ensured


Award criteria:

  • Innovative character of the project in the selected award category.
  • Good results and impact of the project in relation to its initial objectives and impacts.
  • Financial sustainability of the project
  • Transferability and possibility to replicate the project in other regions


The guide for applicants and the communication materials are available on the website:


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POCTEP Contacts

Contacts 2014-2020 | Contacts 2007-2013

  • (+34) 924 20 59 58
  • Edificio Montevideo | C/ Ángel Quintanilla Ulla n°1, portal 3 | Entreplanta B, 06011, Badajoz (Spain)