The Interreg Spain-Portugal INTRÉPIDA plus project celebrates European Cooperation Day as well as Intereg 30 years, with an online photography workshop on September 16th.
The project promotes the work of businesswomen from Spain and Portugal, at an international level. It is Hosted by its lead partner, the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, lead partner.
This meeting, open to all audiences, will take place online on 16 September 2020 at 19.00 (Madrid time). Its main topic is how to improve the pictures we take with our smartphones and cameras.
For the occasion, the featured businesswoman is Marina Duarte, founder of the audiovisual companies Cinema Blue and Make it Blue. She will show pictures as examples of the cooperation of Spain with countries like Portugal and Morocco.
As a practice, participants will be invited to send us pictures with the European Cooperation, Spain and/or Portugal as main topics.
The Three Cultures Foundation will disseminate the pictures in the week between 21 and 25 September 2020. The topic underlines one of the three main items of the European Cooperation initiative Interreg 30th anniversary: neighborhood, together with Youth and Green Europe.
This is a free event co-financed by the ERDF through the Interreg Spain-Portugal Programme. Registration is needed here:
More information @funtresculturas #intrepidaplus / @somosmakeitblue / @somoscinemablue
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