2nd Call deadline for “b-solutions" extended until 12th of April



The 2nd Call for Proposals deadline for the  “b-solutions" initiative has been extended until the 12.04.2019The general objective of b-solutions is to identify and promote sustainable methods of resolving border obstacles of a legal and/or administrative nature along EU internal land borders.

It is promoted by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and managed by the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) as one of the actions proposed in the Communication "Boosting growth and cohesion in EU border regions".



​b-solutions consists of two calls for proposals, one opened in early 2018, one running in early 2019. Public authorities of border administrations can submit a short description of the legal or administrative obstacle they face in implementing projects in a border area. Successful candidates are assigned support from the European Commission to remove the difficulties which hinder cooperation with the neighbouring country. 

Applicants can inform about the difficulties that border citizens and businesses still face when interacting across the border in fields such as employment, health, transport, multi-lingualism and information services, just to name a few.



The organisers would like to encourage you to support this important initiative by participating to the call for proposals and by disseminating about b-solutions within your region and network for 3 main valuable reasons:

  1. In such difficult times for the European Union, it is crucial to give the right attention and visibility to successful cross-border solutions and thus get the right support from EU citizens, governments and institutions to keep cross-border cooperation – and related funding – as a crucial part of European Integration;
  2. B-solutions is the best framework for you to test effective ways of overcoming border obstacles of a legal and/or administrative nature along EU internal land borders that can be replicable in other contexts and, therefore, have the chance to  effectively draw the European Commission’s attention on cross-border cooperation issues.
  3. Participating organisations would significantly increase their visibility and prestige towards European, national, regional and local decision-makers and towards the other cross-border actors all over Europe.



The application process is quick and easy: you just have to fill in a form https://www.b-solutionsproject.com/apply on the project website and describe the obstacle(s) they face.

This is the right time to speak up!  Don't miss the chance to get your voice heard!

For more information on the 2nd call for proposals, please, visit the project’s website: https://www.b-solutionsproject.com/

We remain at your disposal should you have questions and we look forward to hearing back from you very soon. Please do not hesitate to let us know any comment, suggestion or remark.


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