Portuguese Municipalities and managers of Natural Parks
Origen geográfico de los socios que busca:
We seek a project that gathers partners from several territories. This is possible according to the application Guide and would give the project a wider replication potential.
Perfil de los socios que busca:
We are looking for partners from any eligible Spanish region: preferably public/private managers of natural reserves and other SME's dealing with nature tourism (pedestrian trails).
Descripción del proyecto:
We are a Portuguese SME working with ecotourism and social focus.We are preparing a project that will be coordinated by a public administration. The project will be dealing with setting up joint programs and pilot sensorial solutions having for basis inclusion of disabled people (blind, physically disabled, ...) in visiting and knwoing/experiencing natural areas like Natura 2000 sites and Natural Parks.
Objetivos principales:
Develop and test solutions for increasing the availability of "tourism for all" in the POCTEP cooperation area (including the disabled but also the elderly and other target groups), in relation to natural/cultural heritage values.
Resultados previstos:
New programs and small infrastructures with sensorial targets tested and evaluated.
Good practices exchanged.
Citizen science application created, allowing for the target public to evaluate and select/post online good examples.