EC Day online video competition starts today!


The Interreg VA España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 programme, in the framework of the EC DAY campaign 2019, organises an amateur video competition to raise citizens’ awareness about the benefits of being part of Europe and engage them in the values of cooperation. The aim is to capture the essence of a European spirit and feeling through a video that would ‘speak’ to both stakeholders and the general public.

Participants will have to make a very short video (maximum duration: 40 seconds) responding very briefly to the question: “Why EUROPE IS YOU? (How Europe benefits you), which is the slogan of the EC DAY 2019 campaign.

The competition is open to every citizen of/resident in the cooperation area, as well as high school and university/college students.

In July, the jury will select the finalist videos. The final winner will be selected by the people attending the EC Day local event in September. The winning video will receive 2 smart watches and an official award (certificate) acknowledging this recognition.

The video competition will take place from 13 May to 30 June 2019. The awarding is scheduled during the week of 21 September 2019 or surrounding weeks (date tbc)


More info on technical specificities of the videos, eligibility and other requirements: TERMS OF REFERENCE


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Contactos POCTEP

Contactos 2014-2020  |  Contactos 2007-2013

  • (+34) 924 20 59 58
  • Edificio Montevideo | C/ Ángel Quintanilla Ulla n°1, portal 3 | Entreplanta B, 06011, Badajoz